The Prof. 2 Part 1

The thing about scientists, they’re either good or bad. In this case… BAD

I trust you have read some of my previous works of THE. PROF., This is a continuation of those 3 stories.

I suddenly open my eyes. I gasp. Where am I? I ponder in my head. Well, one thing I DO know; It’s nowhere good… I look around. Suddenly, a TV screen above my head flashes from its black state, to a bright white, before finally fading into colour. An old, white-haired man in a lab coat appears on the screen. “Hello, my guinea pig,” He says in a loud, screechy voice. “I shan’t take too long, but I will say this; ENJOY!” And with a screechy cackle that probably shook the floor a little, due to the modulator making his voice louder, so that I can hear it from across the room, probably even Jupiter. And so, I walk. I find a man on the ground. Is he… dead? I ponder, but he jolts up. And he gives me a huge fright… “Hello? I guess…” he says. “I guess you found my other guinea pig. Get along, you’ll be spending an awfully long time together!” And he is gone. But now I hear a roar. I look behind me. A tiger. I screech, then run. The man sees, and he starts to run, too. We see a door. But right before we get there, the tiger is blocking our escape… “Oh no…” I murmur. “We’re doomed…”


  1. Jason,
    Words like PONDER, MURMUR, and DOOMED help build the tone in your piece. Great work. Please be mindful of the parameters of the challenge--that is: keep your submission to the 100 word count. I'd like to submit you for SHOWCASE, but I feel the word count must be considered.
    Keep Writing!
    Mrs. G., Team 100, Guilderland, NY, USA


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