Ghost Town: Chapter 1
I lay on the floor.
I wonder secretly to myself, Why did I
come here? The truth is, I don’t even know the answer myself. I just hope
it can’t read minds. That may sound like a joke, but it is not. But first, let
me tell you how I got here. It started 10 months ago. . . “He is just a boy!” Mother
cried. “He is a FREAK!” Father screamed. They were chatting about me. I don’t
like them chatting about me, as Father is the main speaker, and he never has
anything nice to say about me. “I say we send him to the circus!” Father said
aloud. He was talking about me much more brutally than usual. Why, you ask? As
I have been gifted with a special ability. They call it ‘Syconosis’ It is a
very special condition, no, not like some syndromes or things like that, it is
more of an ability. What does it do, you ask? It allows you to, no joke, see
and communicate with ghosts, no, not like a movie like Paranorman or something like that, really. And the truth is, Father
doesn’t believe me. But Mother does, as she has syconosis herself, but the way
Father reacts, she doesn’t want to tell him. He doesn’t believe one bit. But
what happens next will make him
believe, whether he wants to or not.
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