
Showing posts from May, 2018

Qui furabatur animarum

They hung from the tree. They swung in the cool, gentle summer breeze. They looked pleasant from the outside, but the inside was a whole different story. Inside were beings so evil, so malicious, that even the world’s most courageous man would scream in dismay. These creatures were maleficent in nature and would eat anything or anyone. They wouldn’t stop. They were magic, of course. Their type of magic made them immortal, and twice as durable to attack. They were known as ‘Qui furabatur animarum,’ or ‘The soul Stealer’ in Latin. The eggs could adapt to anything. These eggs adapted to a plant that hung from trees. They then began shaking, and small cracks started to appear on their surfaces.

1st school day

It was my first day at school. I was excited. I was excited all the way to the school. Once I got into class I was shy because there were more “new” kids than friends there. I sat beside my playschool friends and started colouring. An announcement came over the intercom for the parents to go to the hall for tea and cakes but I didn’t understand the instructions! I sped out the door at the mention of cakes, ran to the hall and grabbed a big chocolate cookie.  Next I hid in a hallway to eat it in private, only to be found by my parents an hour later


He looked puzzled. He looked down at the box that lay on his doorstep. It was wrapped in red wrapping paper and a red ribbon. He picked it up and unfurled the ribbon. He then peeled off the wrapping paper and took the top off the box. He looked inside. Nothing, he thought. Then he saw it, a little piece of paper, with writing on it, in some weird kind of language. He knew it told him how to do something, but he didn’t understand the instructions. He looked in the box, seeing the shadows inside curl and expand, then unfurl and retract. His eyes widened, as he felt like he was being sucked into the shadows. He tried to take his mind off the shadows, and thought of a book. The shadows once again curled and expanded, but this time they had depth. The shadows then solidified. He was astonished as he saw a book.

The Javelpie

When I arrived at the animal hospital I was introduced to Dr. Pie He looked like an elephant with 5 cyan eyes and no tail.  He had 2 pig’s legs and an ivory tusk on his forehead.  He could alter his height to be the size of a pig or elephant which allowed him into different wards. He would wink after every sentence he spoke and used bad grammar. He seemed to be always crying. These tears managed to heal my cuts and calm me down. He was a Javelpie and his friends and family worked at the hospital too.


  He observed the package on the floor. He was confused as to why someone would send him it, as he hadn’t ordered anything recently. He picked it up and tore through the ribbon. The top of it opened and revealed what was inside. He looked inside, and there was nothing there except for shadows. The shadows then compressed into a small shape. He tried concentrating on its shape, but he couldn’t. It was just… wrong, like it shouldn’t exist but did. He tried to focus on something else but just couldn’t. It was like his thoughts were being trapped in this object. He managed to break free, and the first thing that came into his mind was a ring, he didn’t know why. He realized that the shadows were altering, changing shape until they were a ring.


Its crimson eyes were locked to him. He could barely breath. He had made a grave mistake, and he knew it. He ran, but no matter how fast he ran, it always managed to top his speed. He frantically searched for an escape point. But one never came. It was dark, gloomy and misty. He could barely see anything at all. He turned his head back, instantly regretting his choice. It was close. He ran, passing a town. Words were being shouted, but he didn’t listen to what they were. He sprinted towards a building, through the gate, then closed it. He moved on further, reaching a flight of stairs. He ascended them in little time at all. He looked down past the banister, and to his dismay… It was there…

The Witch

I was heading downstairs when a letter came through my door. It said: Dear Henry, Joey Drew Studios is now under a curse by a witch, I have invited Alice Angel to help too Your dancing demon, Bendy I knew what to do so I got into my crimson car and headed to Joey Drew Studios. When I arrived, I ran down the misty car park into the studio. Bendy met me at the door “we are in grave danger” he explained. Then Alice came running in the door frantically. “Are you alright Bendy!?” she shouted. “Let’s find that witch everybody” I say.

Winter Walk

It was a misty gloomy winter’s day. Juliette and Darragh were walking their dog Roger on the hill. They took Roger off the lead. He raced off and they could see only his crimson jacket in the distance. Suddenly he vanished. They shouted out his name and began to look for him frantically. He was nowhere to be seen. They were scared! They could hear a whimper coming from a hole in the ground behind them and looked in to see Roger’s grave little face looking up at them. Darragh jumped in and Roger jumped into his arms. He was happy that he was safe and found!